The Living Ports Project
A game changer in Coastal and Marine Infrastructure.
Shifting away from “grey” construction towards a nature-inclusive solution with structural, environmental, and socio-economic benefits.
The Project

Ecological Footprint
Living Ports pioneers port sustainability with a technology that enables concrete infrastructure which stores carbon and regenerates ecosystems.

Innovative Technology
Living Ports showcases and de-risks large-scale, flexible, and cost-effective technology that also meets environmental goals.

Community outreach
The Nautilus observatory provides visitors with the unique experience of witnessing first-hand the development of biodiversity on the ECOncrete seawalls.

The Living Ports project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement GA970972

The Challenge
With growing climate change risks, forward-thinking ports are not only adapting their infrastructure, but also taking actions to mitigate climate change.
Currently, 70% of coastal infrastructure is built with traditional concrete, which is toxic to many marine organisms and requires expensive maintenance - annually, there is an estimated €2.2 trillion cost of corrosion worldwide.
With the previous lack of de-risked, environmentally sensitive, industry standard solutions, a technically feasible solution to this problem remained out of reach. LIVING PORTS will change the standard of port construction by replacing traditional concrete while performing structurally.
Months Duration
EU Grant Amount
Seawall Panels
Armor Units
Consortium Partners

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Or, drop us a line
Àlvar Trabazos Claveria
Vigo Port:
Francisco Barreiro
Wolfgang Kunther
Cardama Shipyard:
M.Borja Cardama